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Improve Your Google Ranking for Those Using Voice Search

How to Improve Your Ranking in a Voice Search

It was only eight years ago, on October 4, 2011, that Apple introduced Siri, the first mobile voice assistant. It seems like we’ve always been able to get directions, find a restaurant, make a call or send a text by just asking our smartphone’s voice assistant.

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Predicting 5 Marketing Trends for the Coming Year

Predicting 5 Marketing Trends for the Coming Year

It’s the end of another year, which means it’s a time when many companies like to predict marketing and advertising trends for the coming year. Back in January 2017, we predicted that video, chatbots, and personalization was going to be big that year, and our guess was arguably right on

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How are Radio and Television Still a Thing?

Over the past several decades, new technology has always replaced its predecessor. Video streaming replaced DVDs, which replaced VHS; digital audio files and streaming replaced CDs, which replaced cassettes and vinyl; iPods replaced the Walkman; cell phones replaced land lines; smartphones replaced dumb phones; and online news is in the

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Advertising in 2017 Will Require Agility

Years ago, advertising didn’t contain any element of immediacy. To get an ad in front of the public took time, whether the medium was print, a billboard, or a television/radio spot. Advertising was planned and purchased for the long term. For a company to respond to any event in a

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